salam...sorylh lme benor teman ni x update biaselah bile nk men intenet jer berokband aku line cam si_ _ hahahaaha..ok...aku ske tidowww...btul mmng aku ske sngat tdowww...aku x tau ar nape ar aku ni mdah sngat mngantuk.... kat tmpat kje kwn aku glarkan aku minah parking....(sila buat2 faham) pe x nye kat bile shift malam mne je aku duduk kjap, mle lah kpale ni cri tmpat lentok...grrrr~mcm2 dh aku buat bg x mngantuk tau...aku beli indocafe mmng ar x nafikan mngu pertama shift mlm mmng x ble mngu kdua aku kje shift mlm aku mnum kopi kpale aku ni pning jer...ish aku stop ar x mnum kopi lg.... n skrng time aku menaip entry ni aku teramatlah mngantuk wlupn bru pkul 7.30 ptng....
Tribute To Steve Lukather – Titanium Gold
BalasPadam“Lukather, titanium element Steve Lukather – Titanium Gold” is a tribute to the titanium trim as seen on tv guitar titanium scooter bars artist and singer, guitarist, titanium hair trimmer songwriter, arranger, and songwriter Steve Lukather ford focus titanium hatchback